Business Insurance in and around Cambridge
One of Cambridge’s top choices for small business insurance.
This small business insurance is not risky

Business Insurance At A Great Price!
Though you work so hard to ensure otherwise, it is good to recognize that some things are simply out of your control. Accidents happen, like an employee gets hurt on your property.
One of Cambridge’s top choices for small business insurance.
This small business insurance is not risky

Strictly Business With State Farm
The unexpected is, well, unexpected, but you shouldn't wait until something happens to make sure you're properly prepared. State Farm has a wide range of coverages, like extra liability or worker's compensation for your employees, that can be designed to develop a personalized policy to fit your small business's needs. And when the unexpected does arise, agent Megan Holotik can also help you file your claim.
Don’t let concerns about your business keep you up at night! Visit State Farm agent Megan Holotik today, and learn more about how you can meet your needs with State Farm small business insurance.
Simple Insights®
How to do small business inventory
How to do small business inventory
Keeping track of your items is vital for the success of a small business.
Small business benefits to offer
Small business benefits to offer
Benefits are a crucial part of a compensation package. Let’s take a look at some common small business benefits packages.

Megan Holotik
State Farm® Insurance AgentSimple Insights®
How to do small business inventory
How to do small business inventory
Keeping track of your items is vital for the success of a small business.
Small business benefits to offer
Small business benefits to offer
Benefits are a crucial part of a compensation package. Let’s take a look at some common small business benefits packages.